Help protect tara iti
NZ fairy tern
The tara iti (New Zealand fairy tern) is Aotearoa's rarest endemic bird, with approximately 37 of these birds left in the world. There are only 10 breeding pairs in the whole country, with breeding pairs at Mangawhai, Pakiri and Waipū Cove.
The tara iti lives on beaches between Auckland and Whangarei and its habitat is under grave threat from sandmining and human activity. 78% of the breeding population of the entire species gathers food along this stretch of coast.
The encroachment of human activity on their nesting grounds is a major threat to these birds. Beach narrowing, due to loss of sand, forces the terns to nest closer to the sea, putting their eggs at risk during storms.
Why are the tara iti so threatened?
The Endangered Species Foundation identified tara iti, the New Zealand Fairy Tern in its Top Ten Most Endangered Species List. Tara iti is listed as “nationally critical” which is the highest threat ranking for any endangered species. It is New Zealand’s rarest endemic breeding bird with a current population of fewer than 40 birds. Once widespread around North Island coasts, its current breeding sites are Waipu, Mangawhai, Te Arai, Pakiri and Papakanui Spit.
The tara iti (Fairy Tern) lives at Pakiri and there are only 9 breeding pairs left in the world. This is New Zealand’s rarest endemic bird and its habitat is under grave threat. Tara iti is listed as “nationally critical” which is the highest threat ranking for any endangered species.
Once widespread around North Island coasts, the current breeding sites of tara iti are now just Waipu, Mangawhai, Te Arai, Pakiri and Papakanui Spit. The encroachment of human activity on their nesting grounds is a major threat to these birds. Beach narrowing due to loss of sand forces the terns to nest closer to the sea, putting their eggs at risk during storms.
There are 26 species of at-risk birds in the Mangawhai harbour area and also substantial White-fronted Tern and Red-billed Gull colonies on the Mangawhai sandspit. The proposed mine site is an area of water that is probably used quite heavily by these birds for feeding while they are nesting and limited in their feeding range.
McCallum Bros Ltd, and Auckland-based sandmining company are currently mining Mangawhai / Pakiri and have applied to mine Mangawhai / Pakiri and Bream Bay for another 35 years.

We are calling on McCallum Bros Ltd to stop mining and progressing applications in Mangawhai, Pakiri and Bream Bay
Proposed and current consent areas at Mangawhai Pakiri
McCallum Bros Limited has also applied for resource consents to extract sand from an area of 6.6km2 along 10.4km of the Pakiri Beach shoreline. The proposed extraction volumes include an annual average of up to 125,000m3/year over any consecutive 5 year period. A 35 year consent is sought.
Sandmining in these rohe / areas, does not consider the kaitiakitanga values of tāngata whenua, whānau and hapū and the communities most directly impacted by the activity. It is a direct breach of the duty of active protection of taonga (treasures) including the restoration of mauri (life-force). The proposed activity impacts adversely on marine environment, cultural values, customary activities and way of life.

Proposed consent area at Bream Bay
- McCallum Bros Ltd are aksi planning to extract 9 million cubic meters of sand from the seabed in Bream Bay over the next 35 years. Their proposal includes dredging up to five nights a week, for six hours at a time, with all the sand being sold to Auckland's construction industry.
This operation is expected to generate $270 million in revenue, or approximately $7.7 million annually, for MBL. Meanwhile, Bream Bay will see no benefits—only lasting harm. The dredging will cause irreversible damage to marine life, fish populations, and surf breaks, devastating the local ecosystem.
MBL is seeking consent for this project through the fast-track process, which excludes public consultation. This means we have no say in whether they can take our sand, destroy marine habitats, and damage our seabed.

What you can do
1. Sign the petition to stop sand mining at Bream Bay.
Help protect our precious coastlines by signing the petition to stop destructive sand mining in Bream Bay, which includes Waipu Cove, Langs Beach and Ruakākā.
Sand mining destroys sea floors, erodes coastal protections, and threatens the habitats of critically endangered species like the tara iti - our most endangered bird with less than 40 left.
2. Donate to amplify public engagement
Your donation will go towards public engagement, making people aware of what is happening and what is at stake and informing them of actions they can take to make a difference.
3. Email politicians and councillors from the list below to raise your concerns
Members of Parliament
Shane Reti MP for Whangarei s.reti@ministers.govt.nz
Grant McCallum MP for Northland Grant.McCallum@parliament.govt.nz
Shane Jones NZ First list MP , Minister for Regional Development, Fisheries, Resources (a strong supporter of the sand mining fast track application) s.jones@ministers.govt.nz
Huhana Lyndon Green list MP Huhana.Lyndon@parliament.govt.nz
Mariameno Kapa-Kingi MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Te Pāti Māori Mariameno.Kapa-Kingi@parliament.govt.nz
Willow-Jean Prime Labour list MP Willow-Jean.Prime@parliament.govt.nz
Mark Cameron ACT list MP Mark.Cameron@parliament.govt.nz
Elected Members of Northland Regional Council
Chair Geoff Crawford geoff.crawford@nrc.govt.nz
Councillor Amy Macdonald (Coastal Central General) amym@nrc.govt.nz
Councillor Rick Stolwerk (Coastal South General) ricks@nrc.govt.nz
Elected Members of the Whangarei District Council
4. Help protect tara iti nesting sites and habitats
Always keep your dog on a leash if you are on Pakiri, Te Arai, Mangawhai or Waipu beaches
Stay far away from nesting sites
Support protections for the areas where NZ Fairy Terns catch their food (small fish)
5. Become a volunteer
If you live in the area, volunteers are needed to help save the New Zealand fairy tern (Tara-iti). Each summer dedicated volunteers help DOC by keeping an eye on these tiny, plucky birds.
There are currently fewer than 40 birds and you can help by watching out for them during the nesting season. It is very rewarding to observe courtship, sitting on eggs and the hatching of the bumble bee sized chicks and eventually watching them learning to fly.
If you become a volunteer, introductory workshops are held where you meet other volunteers.
Please contact:
Northland DOC: Ayla Wiles: awiles@doc.govt.nz 027 412 0969
Waipu Co-ordinator: Robyn Davies: robyn@theridge.nz 021 846 649
Mangawhai Co-ordinator: Dawne Sanson: dawne.sanson@xtra.co.nz 027 289 3185
Auckland DOC: Shelley Ogle: sogle@doc.govt.nz 027 270 6589
More information
You can find more evidence in submissions made in response to applications for sand extraction at Pakiri.

Ongoing work to save the tara iti
An intensive conservation programme is underway to protect the NZ fairy tern and has successfully increased the population from an all-time low in 1983 of up to four breeding pairs.
The Endangered Species Foundation has also been working with WWF-NZ, the International Centre for Birds of Prey, Exeter University, and Auckland University to develop high quality, 3D-printed fairy tern eggs. These highly realistic dummy eggs were trialed successfully, and are now employed in the NZ fairy tern recovery programme. The dummy eggs replace wild eggs removed for artificial incubation. The dummies must be life-like to ensure parents remain on the nest to care for the chicks that are returned. This critical intervention reduces the loss of viable eggs to predation or storm events.
The same techniques were recently applied to the kakapo recovery programme, where 3D-printed smart eggs replace fertile eggs removed for incubation. These smart eggs begin to make noise as the time approaches for the real chicks to arrive.
You can find more information from the Department of Conservation and what is being done on the ground to protect the tara iti here.