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Tāngaro Tuia Te Ora

Endangered Species Foundation

Re-igniting Survival Through Revival

Here in Aotearoa New Zealand, over 7500 species face extinction.
Join our efforts to support vital conservation initiatives and Māori-led restoration projects to save species and empower action for lasting change.

Drains are Streams

Sadly, 45% of our rivers are now unsafe for swimming and 76% of our native freshwater fish are either threatened with or at risk of extinction.

By adopting a stream you can help improve the health of our waterways for our freshwater native fish, including tuna (longfin eel) and the kōaro (native fish).

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Image: Jason Burton

We aim to protect the rarest of Aotearoa’s species by mobilising movements and supporting conservation projects to ensure healthy, biodiverse ecosystems.

Find out more about the work we undertake to advocate for our most endangered species and how we can all take action to protect the rarest of our rare.

Over 7500 of our indigenous species are in danger of being lost forever. Help protect Aotearoa's most vulnerable taonga by joining us and donating today.

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Māui Dolphin

The world’s smallest dolphin the Māui is teetering on the brink of extinction.

Help shine a spotlight on the threats they face and implement the solutions that can bring about much needed change.
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