Share the aroha by donating red, native, endangered flowers.
Once there were less than 100 ngutukākā, the kākābeak plant, left in the wild, but now, thanks to a small group of passionate, dedicated people in Tairawhiti, the East Coast, over 800 species were planted last year. Ngutukākā are also one of the first native recolonising plans to gain a foothold on land that has slipped and is unstable.
We need your help to grow and plant more! For just $50 - you can plant five ngutukākā.
We are aiming to raise $30,000 which would plant 3,000 ngutukākā.
Your donation will help plant more of these treasured plants and in return you will receive a beautiful e-card to gift.
Donate today

Your donation will help to:

Grow seedlings and plants
Educate people on how to grow and plant Ngutukākā
Buy equipment to transport, dig and manage plant sites
Pay for a coordinator to educate and engage kura, marae and members of the public on what needs to be done to save this rare species
Expand this programme to other areas on the East Cape
Positive impacts:
Greater connection between people and te taiao, our natural world
Improved knowledge of rare species
Increased education levels and awareness of kaitiakitanga
Pilot project that is showcasing how people can be engaged with saving precious taonga
Rare species saved from extinction
Vulnerable habitats protected