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Biodiversity Certification

A system to provide biodiversity information about native plants in stores, is currently in development.

A widely accessible, consumer-friendly source of information is needed for those who are in the earlier stages of a biodiversity journey.

Recent research and codesign with communities found a strong need for greater access to more digestible biodiversity support. In response to this a public-facing assessment system of plants and other biodiversity-positive products at the point of purchase will be developed.


Similar to the health star rating on food or the energy rating on appliances, this certification will provide a snapshot view of how a plant or product rates with respect to its biodiversity properties.

Action Plan 
1. Conduct feasibility study to develop a consumer-facing, metric certification
  • evaluate the cost and scope of creating a shared set of standards for common native plants and garden products with respect to biodiversity
  • work with biodiversity and ecology experts to “code” or “rate” plants and garden products, and
  • partner with producers and retailers to investigate logistics, costs and feasibility.
2. Partner with producers and retailers to roll out in stores:
  • certification system to rate biodiversity-positive products at the point of purchase
  • vehicle for customers and retailers to provide a donation / contribution 
  • supporting communications and educational materials to be made available in-store and online, and
  • links to additional resources. 


  • Increased education and awareness of local species

  • Increased uptake and purchase of species endemic to a local area

  • Revenue generated to fund kaitiakitanga initiatives


We Need Your Support Today!

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